19 research outputs found

    An assembly line balancing application on oven production line with hyper-heuristics

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    In this study, an oven assembly line that is planning to re-establish manufacturing to increase the efficiency of the assembly process. The importance of the problem emerges from a real-world application consisting of product-oriented restrictions. These multiple restricted problems addressthe single model assignment restricted ALB problem with positional constraints. A cost-based objective function is used to cope with this problem. The number of platformed and non-platformed stations, the number of direction changesin a station, the number ofstationsin which both connector and combiner are used are the cost factors of the objective function. Also, the main objective of the problem is to minimize the total number of stations while satisfying the restrictions. A simulated annealing-based hyper-heuristic is adapted and applied to the balancing problem of oven manufacturing process with assignments and operationalrestrictions with multiple objectives. The resultsshow that bettersolutions can be found in the current line balance level while satisfying more restrictions. It is also observed that line balance can be improved depending on the relaxation of the restrictions


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    Öz Eğitimli gençlerin mesleki kariyerlerini ne şekilde devam ettirecekleri ülkelerin geleceklerini şekillendirmede önemli bir veridir. Gençlerin kendi işlerini kurmaları, maaşlı işleri seçmelerine göre ülkenin gelişimini hızlandırmaya ve istihdamı artırmaya daha çok katkı sağlar. Bu çalışma ile mühendislik fakültesinde okuyan öğrencilerin kariyer tercihlerini etkileyen kriterler ve ağırlıkları tespit edilmiştir. Üç farklı nitel çalışma ile öğrencilerin kariyer tercihleri ile ilgili 130 farklı ifadeye ulaşılmıştır. Bu ifadeler 6 kritere ve 20 alt kritere dönüştürülmüştür. Analitik Hiyerarşi Süreci (Analytic hierarchy process, AHP) kullanılarak öğrencilerin her bir kritere ve kariyer seçeneğine verdikleri ağırlıklar hesaplanmış ve duyarlılık analizleri yapılmıştır. Öğrencilerin kariyer seçiminde en çok dikkate aldıkları kriterler iş güvencesi ve istikrar, çalışma koşulları ve kariyer imkânları olmuştur. Kariyer seçeneklerinden kendi işini kurmak en yüksek ağırlığa sahipken onu kamu kurumlarında çalışmak ve özel sektörde çalışmak takip etmiştir. Ayrıca, cinsiyet, bölüm, anne veya babanın girişimci olup olmaması, kişinin girişimcilik yetenek ve becerilerine güvenip güvenmemesi ve kişinin girişimci olma ihtimalini yüksek görüp görmemesine göre kariyer seçiminin nasıl ağırlıklandırıldığına bakılmıştır. Kariyer tercihlerine yönelik çıkarımlarda bulunulmuş ve öneriler sunulmuştur. Abstract How to keep professional career of trained young people, is important data in shaping the future of their country. Establishing their own business instead of preferring a salaried job, contribute more to increase employment and development of countries. In this study, the criterion affecting career preferences and their weights are identified. 130 different expressions related to students’ career preferences are determined by employing three different qualitative studies. These statements are converted into 6 main criteria and 20 sub-criteria. The weights given by students for each criteria and career preference are determined by utilizing Analytic Hierarchy Process and a sensitivity analysis is carried out. The criteria mostly taken into account by students are job assurance, stability, working conditions and career opportunities. In terms of career options, establishing own business has the highest weight and the weights of working in public institutions and in the private sector follow it. In addition, in terms of the factors related to gender, department, whether or not having entrepreneurial parent, having been trust their own entrepreneurial talents and skills, their thoughts of how high the probability of being entrepreneur, weighting of career preferences are evaluated. Inferences for career preferences and related recommendations are presented


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    In this paper, a multiple dispatching rule based meta-heuristic solution approach for Job Shop Scheduling Problems (JSSP) is presented. The proposed algorithm makes use of Giffler & Thompson’s heuristic in deducting feasible schedules and Multiple Objective Tabu Search (MOTS) in generating optimal schedules. Several example problems are solved from the literature to present the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. The results obtained from the computational study have shown that the proposed algorithm can be used as a new alternative solution technique for finding good solutions to this complex problem